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Selectmen Minutes 03/22/2016
 Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Members Present: Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard, and Administrative Assistant Kristy McIntosh

Others Present: Lucille Noel, Chief Quimby, Tom Houle, Donna Chagnon, Ann Davis, Stephen Stock, Matt Cole, Chief Clarke, John Martell and other members of the public.

Call to Order Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Department Heads-

Police Department-
Irving Carrero the new officer will have to go to the Academy in August and the new hire Officer Phillip Arnone will be going to the Academy in May. They are both going to sign contracts certifying they will stay with Chichester PD at least two years after the Academy.  

Ian Blackman is requesting OHRV signs from Jim Plunkett after complaints were made about the use of OHRV’s on Blackman Rd.  

Chief Clarke informed the Board that the Highway Safety Grant had been approved and patrols will be starting in the near future.

Health issues were reported at 28 Bailey Rd. Chief Clarke did an inspection at the house on Monday and the complainant showed him some urine spots on a tile, and mold on some appliances.  He also found an electrical box with no cover, and the stairs are not up to code. Mrs. Pinard will write a letter to Ms. Valentin to cease and desist renting her property due to zoning violations.

Mr. Jameson has asked Chief Clarke if the active shooter training will carry down to the municipal level.  Chief Clarke stated that he himself was going to active shooter training to become a trainer and would work on doing something as soon as he’s certified.

Fire Department-
As mentioned previously, Chief Quimby sent letters to government officials Anne Kuster, Jeanne Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte asking for support of the Fire Grants. He received supportive letters from all three officials and is hopeful the Fire Department will receive the grants.

Chief Quimby asked the Board if they had any information about the re-striping of Rt. 4.
Tom Jameson stated that contract had been released and it is set to be done exactly as planned.  
Chief Quimby stated he is worried because he believes it causes a huge safety concern. Chief Clarke shares the same concern.   

A blood drive will be held Saturday March 26, 2016 at the Fire Station.

Chief Quimby wanted to thank the board for all their support at Town meeting.
Matt Cole introduced a surplus equipment inventory list.  The Concord Regional Technical Center offers a Fire Science class and they currently have equipment needs. The Chichester Fire Department would like to donate the equipment.  They can make use of outdated turn out gear.  The Tech is located in Concord, which Chichester students have access to. Consensus of the Board was to donate the equipment.

The fire department is exploring putting a fire hydrant at the location of the Webster Mills Bridge.

Chichester Condominiums will be putting in a dry hydrant and push system at his project location as well located on Dover/Trap Rd.

Getting ready for first book sale of the season on April 16th.  

The Trustee’s completed a job evaluation for the Library director which is being finalized next Monday.

The Library will be meeting with builder Bruce Mason and the architect to incorporate changes to the addition. Construction will be ongoing for approximately 2 months.  

The Library would like to make Pound Rd temporarily a one way while the construction is going on to provide more parking for book sales. Drivers would enter onto MeetingHouse Rd.  Parking would be available on one side of Pound Rd.  

MeetingHouse Rd is washed away in a few areas.  

Chief Clarke suggested to reach out to the insurance company for a temporary carrier to park in the church parking lot during the book sales.  

Mrs. Pinard will reach out to the insurance company and the matter will be discussed further.

Please not some corrections to previous minutes.  In the February 23rd, 2016 minutes in the fourth paragraph down, “…Webster Mills area which was an important industrial area in the 1960’s” should have stated in the 1820’s-1860’s.  
In the March 1st minutes the Library is holding a Memory Café and not a Memory “cage”.  
In the March 1st minutes under the same Library heading there was some wrong information about the Fun Passes.  The Library has the Fun Passes available for library patrons. The Library purchased them from the school.  The school was selling them as a fund raiser.  

Mr. Jordan made the comment that he had visited the Historical Society after the last Elections and he was extremely impressed with what they have done.   

Stephen Stock reported that there was a fire set with flare gun into a field which he responded to.  It was put out before they arrived by the owner.  He did not order any restitution

Mr. Stock reported that someone called in a smoke investigation in the area of 150 Suncook Valley Rd.  Scott Marston of 43 Carpenter Rd. lit 4 piles and an old snag tree on fire with no permit or snow cover.  He was given an official warning and an order to pay restitution in the amount of $217.55 or as the Board determines. He had not lost control but he did not have a permit or proper snow cover. He was ordered that he remove unauthorized debris from piles and pay restitution as Warden Stock requested by the Board of Selectmen.  The Board determined full restitution was warranted.

Mr. Stock stated that it will likely be a very bad season for forest fire due to the mild winter.

Emergency Management-
Mr. Martell reported that Brian Beaverstock, the principal of Chichester Central School, is on the committee for the Emergency Operations Plan. He had nothing else to report.   

Building Inspection-
Mr. Cole reported that in the time frame of January 29, 2016-March 22, 2016 he had seen some activity. Phillips Auto Sales had applied for a new sign permit.  Renovations have been taking place on Robinson Road.  A building permit has been applied for and a new house on Bradley Way will be going up.  There have been a total of $43,000 in new taxation not including the house, and $411.64 in permits.  

Appointments, Boards and Committees     

Budget Committee- Michelle Plunkett, Doug Hall and Gilbert Vien all expressed interest in serving on the Budget Committee.
Discussion ensued about the candidates.  Mr. DeBold read the letters from Mr. Hall and Mr. Vien and Mrs. Pinard stated that Mrs. Plunkett had signed up for the position on the board at Town Meeting.  
Mr. DeBold makes a motion to appoint Douglas Hall to the budget committee.  Seconded by Mr. Jameson. Motion passes.
Follow up letter to be mailed to other applicants.

Mr. Jameson suggested to offer Michelle Plunkett  a position on the CIP.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to appoint the following
Ed Millette                     Budget Committee
Don Peterman            Budget Committee
Michelle Plunkett               Heritage Commission
Thomas Jameson          Parks and Recreation Commission
Richard Millette                BCEP Budget Committee
Norm Larochelle         BCEP Alternate member
Blaze Konefal           Conservation Commission
Mark McIntosh           Zoning Board of Adjustments, Chairman
Douglas Hall                    Zoning Board of Adjustments Alternate member
Motion passes.

Other Business-

Map 8 Lot 46 – Follow up
Mrs. Pinard sent a certified letter to the property owner who called and spoke with her shortly after. Mrs. Pike is doing more research with mortgage companies.  If she is deemed the owner, than she would like to talk with the selectmen.  

Code Enforcement Complaints – Follow up
Philips auto sales was contacted by Mrs. Pinard and was very cooperative. He is contacting Unitil to tilt lights away from the road.

Mrs. Pinard spoke with the owner of 244 Dover Rd. He apologized, he didn’t realize he was violating any zoning and stated he would remove the cars as soon as mud season ended.  

Boston Post Cane-
Boston Post Cane committee has the cane and wants to present the cane on April 10 from 2-4 at Historical Society.  Dorthory “Dottie” McKoan was heavily involved at the Historical Society and they would like to have it presented there by all three selectmen.  The Historical Society is working on a special display with artwork.

Approval of Expenditures-
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan by to approve payment for the repair to Ambulance 1 in the amount of $1,504.63 to be paid out of the Government Vehicle Maintenance Expendable Trust. Motion Passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve payment of various invoices from Clark’s grain Store, State of New Hampshire Laboratory, and Epping Well and Pump for year ending 2015 in the amount of $802.86 to be paid out of the Bear Hill Road Expendable Trust Fund. Motion Passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve 2 payments to Epping Well and Pump in the following amounts $473.21 and $665.60 in the amount of $1,138.81 to be paid out of the Bear Hill Road Expendable Trust Fund. Motion Passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to approve the purchase of a new Scanner for the Police Department Office from WB Mason in the amount of $360.49 to be paid out of the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Motion Passes.

Public Input-
Lucille Noel wrote letter to the Selectmen about changing the title to Select Board to be more gender neutral.  Mr. DeBold feels it is a big decision and wants to talk to Town’s people about it.  Mrs. Pinard and Mr. Jordan think it may need to go onto a warrant article and Mr. DeBold suggested a possible referendum article at the next Town Meeting.  Mr. DeBold stated he would not be comfortable with just the current three member Board making that decision.  Mr. Jameson suggested that we reach out to Webster and ask how they handled it.  Mrs. Pinard will do some research.
Donna Chagnon had a question about the fees for ambulance transfers to the hospital. She also had concerns about being able to burn in a barrel with some snow cover. The Fire Department had to leave for an emergency and was unavailable to answer her questions.

Mr. Jameson voiced his concerns about the proposal on Rt. 4. He thinks the Board should send a letter to the D.O.T. voicing the concerns of our Police Chief and Fire Chief. After a conversation about the topic the Board will reach out with another letter to DOT to propose a change to the Rt. 4 project.  Mr. Jameson will work with Jodi to articulate the letter.  

Donna Chagnon spoke about the recount which she attended for the amendment to change the lighting ordinance.  The votes held at 227 yes-224 no.

Mr. Houle stated that the mailwoman gave him some propaganda flyers that had been illegally stuffed in residents mailboxes. He stated that the flyers were encouraging voting “NO” for the lighting ordinance amendment.   

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 8:14pm.  Motion passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy McIntosh, Administrative Assistant

      Tom Jameson                                               Richard DeBold                                                  Jeffrey Jordan